Monday, January 09, 2012

Out with the whoops

I bought these shoes in Chinatown ages and ages ago (when I lived there, so at least 6! years ago).  They are not very comfortable and clearly cheaply made (as they should have been. I think I spent $3 on them).  I hardly ever wear them, but kept them around since they seem pretty practical.

But one of my many goals for this year is seriously (seriously) getting rid of some of the clutter cluttering up my life. So into the donation box they went.  But since I am at the whims of my Driver, the donation box is still in the back of my closet...

Which is good because today I was in desperate need of some flats.  And I discovered that I own brown, blue, and green flats.  But these crappy mary janes are the only non-work (meaning, not noisy when I walk) black flats and since I apparently live in North Carolina, where its 50 degrees in January - I needed them today.

Here is the problem with getting rid of things - I need to make sure they don't fill a very necessary hole in my life.  Some how, some way, these are the only functional, comfortable black flats I own. Clearly this needs to change, immediately, but until then, back on the shoe organizer they go.

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She's pint-sized and amazing.